
CR3 2007年中国广告代理综合评估报告(3)媒介代理

2008-03-27 15:01:03
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WPP集团- 传立媒体 – 9分 | 去年得分- 8分 传立媒体继续领先于中国媒介代理领域,无论是在营业额还是雇员的规模。该公司几乎顺利的完成他们在团队建设、新业务以及营业机构的拓展的目标。林秀萍回归传立担任北京办公室的董事总经理,苗竞和薛蓉茵分别担任南京和成都办公室的总经理;廖世强担任战略投资董事总经理,陈俊良则加入购买部担任董事总经理,另外来自伦敦浩腾媒体的Andrew Carter成为全国战术策划总监。其上海办公室仍然保持强大的竞争力,还获得了《媒介》杂志的年度最佳办公室第二名。在新业务上,传立媒体获得包括达能、惠氏、家乐福、欧莱雅、养乐多、雅虎、双鹿啤酒、博士伦、伊利、沃尔沃、TCL等新业务,唯一丢失的重大客户三星电子也是因为全球业务更换的原因。 MindShare continues to lead in China in terms of billings, staff and in the R3 Agency Image Study in terms of perception. The agency achieved its goal on building talent, new business and operational expansion. Lim Siew Ping joined Beijing office as Managing director; Franco Miao and Vicky Hsueh led Nanjing & Chengdu office respectively; Thomas Liu came in to head Investment, while Warren Chen had joined GroupM Trading as Managing Director. Andrew Carter from OMD London, joined as National Tactical Planning Director. Shanghai office was also honored as runner-up for the Office of the Year in the MEDIA Asia Pacific Annual Awards. The agency continued its strong new business wins from Danone, Wyeth, Carrefour, L’Oreal, Yakult, Yahoo, Double Deer Beer, Bausch & Lomb, Yili, Volvo, TCL – with only the loss of Samsung as the major leaving client through global re-alignment . WPP集团-竞立媒体-6分 |去年得分- 6分 经过去年的重新启动之后,目前竞立媒体已经成为群邑媒介集团的新武器。该公司获得越来越多来自大众汽车集团的业务委任,另外其与诺基亚、宝洁、大众和ICI的合作关系相当稳定。其为宝洁所执行的“潘婷闪亮之旅”,也获得很高的声誉,一定程度上证明其在媒介创意上的能力。上海办公室迎来了不少新业务-森马、上海家化、三得利威士忌、宏利保险和淘宝网,北京则获得中国联通、燕京饮料、福临门-购买和美克美家。更重要的是,没有任何一家大客户离去。张哲翔在表现其强有劲的进攻能力,另外阎诚江升任全国战术策划总监将会进一步加强在购买策划能力上的表现。该公司还组织了不少内部培训活动和慈善活动。 In its first year re-launched in China, MediaCom became a new gun of GroupM. The agency got more additional business from automobile giant VW China and FAW-VW , and the relationship with major clients Nokia, P&G, VW and ICI kept momentum. The work for P&G’s Pantene- Shining journey campaign, which received strong appreciation, showed proven innovation and creativity. The Shanghai office won strong new business from Semir, Shanghai Jahwa, Suntory Whiskey, Manulife Insurance and Taobao.com, while Beijing office picked up China Unicom, Yangjing beverage, Fortune Oil buying and Markor Furnishings. More importantly, there was no major client departure. CEO Michael Zhang played a powerful role in the success, while Rick Yan was promoted to National Tactical Planning Director. WPP集团- 尚扬媒介- 6分|去年得分- 7分 在首席执行官张敬鸾的带领下,尚扬媒介拥有一个强盛的年份。在北京、上海和广州三个办公室为其重要的DHL、箭牌和高露洁业务执行有利的媒介策划和购买。杨秦燕升任北京办公室总经理,段华成为媒介群总监,计广初成为全国战术策划总监。该公司击败了不少竞争对手保留住了DHL媒介业务,同时也获得包括米其林、吉普、Bimbo和年底的索尼业务(亚洲区)。 Under the strong leadership of CEO Bertilla Teo, the agency had a strong year. MEC had a good balance amongst its three individual offices, and bedded down its key clients such as DHL, Wrigley and Colgate. Michelle Yang was promoted to Beijing GM and Sherry Duan became Group Director, Johnny Ji joined Guangzhou office as National Tactical Planning Director. The agency retained DHL media after beating off some key rivals, and it won new business from Michelin, Jeep, Bimbo and the latest Sony regional appointment. 阳狮集团- 实力媒体- 7分 | 去年得分- 5分 在首席执行官Malcolm Hanlon领导下,实力媒体在经过数年的动荡之后保持积极的发展趋势。李国华加入上海办公室担任董事总经理,但是其购买中心博睿媒体的所有高层悉数离任,包括首席执行官Philip Beck,首席运营官Karl Wu以及执行董事杜生利。积极的方面是,实力媒体保持旺盛的生命力,获得了一系列的新客户:薇姿、圣元牛奶、起亚汽车、百威啤酒和腾讯以及其他总共40多项的新生意。 Led by strong CEO Malcolm Hanlon, the agency is still managing a positive profile after some tough years. Zenith Shanghai named Stewart Li from Carat as their new MD. But the buying center CMX saw several changes – with CEO Philip Beck moving on, COO Karl Wu leaving and Executive Director Quinn Taw departing at year end. On the positive side, Zenith still locked in some massive new business from 40 more new accounts including Vichy, L’Oreal buying (part) Synutra, Kia Corporate, Budweiser and Tencent (QQ). 阳狮集团- 突破媒体- 6分 |去年得分- 6分 随着阳狮集团购买中心博睿媒介面对高层管理团队的巨大变化,在郑香霖的领导之下,整个突破媒体保持健康的发展。在2007年,突破媒体保持住欧莱雅的购买业务,并且获得了欧莱雅高端化妆品的媒介策划业务。但是很不幸的是,突破媒体在2008年年初把东风日产的媒介业务丢给传立媒体。 While Publicis’ media buying center CMX faced management team changing, Optimedia, which under the leadership of Steven Chang, still kept a healthy operation. Optimedia kept most of its share of L’Oreal buying and also won L’Oreal Advanced Product Division planning assignment. But unluckily, Optimedia lost the lucrative Dongfeng- Nissan media account to Mindshare in earlier 2008. 阳狮集团-星传媒体- 5分 |去年得分- 5分 吴雪晶转调北京担任星传媒体的总经理,加上目前三星全球媒介业务的委任所带来的益处,星传媒体有望迎来更好的2008年。该公司继续保持与几家大客户宝洁、可口可乐和美赞臣稳定的合作关系。其他新业务包括沃尔沃工业、万科、上海电信、吉百利和仁和药业的业务。 This year, Starcom kept steady with Angela Ng relocated to Beijing office as GM. With the current win of Samsung, Starcom should be expect a better year for 2008. They continued to strengthen steady relationships with important clients P&G, Coca-Cola and Mead Johnson, Other new business from Volvo Industrial, Vanke, Shanghai Telecom, Cadbury's and Ren He Group helped round out the year. 宏盟集团- 浩腾媒体- 7分 |去年得分- 8分 浩腾媒体在首脑叶丽莲的带领下迎来更好的一年,叶也获得《媒介》杂志授以的“年度最佳全国领导者”的殊荣。浩腾媒体还任命曾小婷和王希宁分别负责北京和广州办公室。浩腾媒体也进一步加强了北京办公室的团队来服务重要的西安杨森业务。该公司进一步加强与强生、维萨卡和百事食品的合作关系。在新业务上,该公司继续表现出色,获得来自西安杨森、梅德塞斯-奔驰、安踏、乐天、西铁城、交通银行和Air Asia的新业务,虽然它们也丢掉了米其林和香格里拉酒店的业务。 OMD had a positive 2007, led by its dynamic head Elaine Ip, who was also honored as ‘National head of the Year’ from Media Magazine. OMD named Pauline Tsang and Sidney Wang to head Beijing and Guangzhou offices respectively. OMD strengthened its Beijing team to better support for its major client Xian-Janssen. The agency improved relationships with J&J, VISA and Pepsi foods. This year OMD performed well at new business from Xian Janssen, Shanghai JNJ, Mercedes-Benz, Anta, Lotte, Citizen, Bank of Communication and Air Asia - although it also lost Michelin and Shangri-La. 宏盟集团- PHD- 3分 |去年得分-5分 在行业老手T.S. Tso的领导下,PHD拥有一个相当不错的年份,如果考虑到这只是他们在这个市场上的第2个年头。年轻却富有经验的Mark Heap将在新年里加入担任新的首席执行官,相信未来将是一个更具有竞争力的未来。该公司获得的新业务有:ECCO,嘉娜宝、西门子-诺基亚网络、EADS、友邦保险和爱茉莉太平洋集团。 PHD had a positive first year, under the leadership of T. S. Tso. Mark Heap from MindShare joined to be the new chief, promising more aggressive years to come. The agency won new business from ECCO, Kanebo, Siemens-Nokia network, EADS, AIA, Amore Pacific. Interpublic- 优势麦肯- 3分 | 去年得分-3分 Manpreet Singh从新加坡传立加入优势麦肯中国担任首席执行官,购买业务负责人叶位先离职,黎达用接替前者的职位。另外,Shane Crombie 和Sunil Jaryal加盟分别担任北京办公室的互动总监和洞察力部门主管。该公司获得10多项新业务,不过总的来说,都不是大客户,与之同时,他们把剩余的欧莱雅媒介业务全部丢给了竞争对手。 In a tough year, Manpreet Singh from Mindshare Singapore joined as Chief Executive Officer; Victor Yip resigned and was succeeded by T.Y. Lai, who is in charge of Media Buying head for China. Shane Crombie and Sunil Jaryal came in as Interactive Director and Head of Insights of Beijing office, respectively. The agency still won more than ten new clients, but generally of small scale, and barely replacing the loss of Maybelline 安吉斯集团-伟视捷媒体- 3分 |去年得分- 5分 伟视捷在去年保持比较稳定的发展,并且与伊利和北京移动的合作关系良好。胡晓云加入担任业务群总监,还有一些新成员加盟。不过,北京办公室总经理周艾翎却在年底离去,可能带来一些变数。在新业务上,该公司表现一般,只获得来自北京欢乐谷和道达尔的媒介业务。 Vizeum had a stable year, keeping a solid relationship with Yili planning and Beijing Mobile. Anna Hu joined in as Group Business Director and other hires. But, Beijing General Manager Elizabeth Zhou resigned from the agency at the end of the year. Vizeum didn’t perform as well as other agencies in new business, picking up assignments from Happy Valley and TOTAL. 安吉斯集团- 凯洛媒体- 6分 |去年得分- 6分 Seth Grossman出任传播策划总监,进一步加强该公司在非传统媒介策划和购买之外的能力以及跨媒体的全盘思维。凯洛媒体在新业务能力上表现不错,去年他们获得的新业务包括有尼康、赛门铁克、长丰汽车、松下洗衣机、屈臣氏、F&N食品、美泰玩具以及从知世营销获得的一些互动业务,此外,保留住飞利浦媒介业务;不过也把达能集团业务丢给了老对手传立媒体。 For 2007, Seth Grossman joined from 141 as Communication Planning Director, enhancing the agency’s capabilities beyond traditional planning and buying, and offering holistic thinking across all channels. Carat performed well at new business, added new accounts from Nikon, Symantec, Chang Feng Motor, Panasonic, Watsons China, F&N Food,Mattel and some digital projects from WWWins. While it kept Philips in a global review, it lost its share on Danone media to Mindshare. 哈瓦斯集团- 灵锐媒体 -3分 |去年得分- 3分 在首席执行官Paul McNeil的领导下,灵锐媒体加强了其整运营团队,特别是从媒介行业外招募一些新生力量,包括吴敏担任中国区业务拓展总监,师康出任上海策划总监以及其他一些资深人员的加盟。这家新生的哈瓦斯媒介公司获得一些新业务,包括瑞士信贷、露露、凯悦国际和艾美表,但是同样也因为全球性的更替而丢掉了戴尔媒介业务。 Under the leadership of CEO Paul McNeil, MPG had strengthened its operational team with senior hires outside the media side, such as William Wu to Business Development Director, Kang Shih as planning director for Shanghai and other personnel. The newly launched Havas’ media unit won business from Credit Suisse, Hyatt International, but the loss of the Dell account after global realignment will hurt.
[备注:# 本部分介绍中国区所有外资媒介代理公司的评估,包括GroupM旗下的MindShare(含MAXUS), MediaCom, MEC; OMG旗下的OMD与PHD; Publicis Media的Zenith, Opti, Starcom; IPG旗下的Unversal McCann(今年不包含Initiative); Havas旗下的MPG; Aegis旗下的Carat和Vizeum. # 对于各大媒介代理集团旗下的购买中心GroupM Trading, CMX, Ageis购买中心,OMG购买体将不作单独说明 # 尽管本土代理商的三赢传播、昌荣传播等购买量媲美甚至远超外资代理商,但由于信息透明度不够,不作分析与评估]


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