

2013-02-04 08:24:59
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据报道,由于今年广告单价创新高,达到380万美元/30秒。本届超级碗转播方CBS总收入将达到2.55亿美元,轻松超过去年的2.28亿美元,创超级碗历史新高。根据统计,央视南非世界杯广告总额15亿人民币,北京奥运会广告总额20亿人民币,与CBS这一场比赛的收入在伯仲之间。 @MarinQ-马睿倩:" 60秒的广告此前都是异类。2013年的超级碗,百威英博购买了3个60秒电视广告,奥迪、林肯、丰田等汽车品牌也愿意花60秒讲一个故事。广告主正在回归老式的广告形式。观众的注意力频繁地被各种新媒体吸引的时候,只有那种具备“你不敢相信你所看到的”效果的广告才能把他们留在电视机屏幕之前。" 奥迪,专治没自信。一台好车在手,立马腰也不酸了,腿也不疼了,走路都有劲儿带风了。 开着一辆拉轰的车去参加毕业舞会,看见心仪的妹子,管她有主没主都不怕了。看来还是老爸有先见之明,知道信心的重要性。 广告时间: 1分钟(60秒) 具体播放: 这也是奥迪连续第六年在超级碗刊播广告。1月27日,奥迪已经提前在Youtube放出这条广告。 创意商:Venables, Bell and Partners(旧金山)

有了AXE Apollo,,,, 救命恩人也得靠边站。节操阿,,, 创意商:BBH百比赫(伦敦)

创意商: Merkley Partners(宏盟集团)

百威啤酒推出温情广告《人马兄弟情 Brotherhood》...故事是老故事.....但依旧有很大杀伤力阿, 此前该视频在YOUTUBE发布短短几个小时就吸引了近百万网友围观,成为YouTube最热门视频.

可口可乐为美国超级碗中场广告预先发布了一条预告片,允许观众通过Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram和Twitter 来讨论制作公司准备的3个不同版本的结局,其中一版会在赛后播出. (创意商: Wieden & Kennedy )

道奇: 勇气与荣耀并存 Dodge: Farmer 创意商: The Richards Group(Dallas, Texas) Ram Truck Brand's "Farmer" The new Ram Truck spot, "Farmer," was inspired by the stirring "So God Made a Farmer" tribute delivered by legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey and used as an anthem in grassroots videos created by farm families over the past three decades. The Ram Truck brand commissioned 10 noted photographers including National Geographic icon William Albert Allard and renowned documentary photographer Kurt Markus to document American farm life, yielding a beautiful and comprehensive catalog of farming images. Many of these artful and compelling still images provide the visual mosaic for "Farmer;" Harvey's passionate oration provides the narration. In this latest extension of the brand's Guts, Glory, Ram campaign, the video uses slices of farming life to remind us of our shared identity and character, the greatness born out of perseverance and determination and the rewards that come from hard work. "Farmer" was created in partnership with The Richards Group of Dallas, Texas. The broadcast spot can be viewed at the Ram Truck brand's website at www.ramtrucks.com/keepplowing

Test Track 赛道测试篇

Wedding 婚礼篇

Topless 清凉篇

JEEP - "家才是永恒" 吉普用两分钟的长广告希望鼓励美国人民热情拥抱那些服役归来的亲人-- 这是对他们最大的尊重和敬佩,因为他们在世界各地保护"美国价值"。(好吧,反正很美国价值观) 不过涅, 这种三观正确的片子看了很热血 (创意商: GlobalHue of Detroit) JEEP还专门开辟一个网站:www.Jeep.com/OSR

JEEP Whole Again

KIA起亚汽车- Space Babies 太空宝宝 创意商:David & Goliath 小屁孩永远特爱问的一个问题是,“我是怎么来的?”!!!!!真的要愁死爹娘的,

创意商:Hudson Rouge(WPP)

Lincoln- Steer The Script

Lincoln- Phoenix

Gildan Activewear Buy: One spot set to air in the third quarter of the event. Creative: Long known mainly as a supplier of printed T-shirts and other athletic apparel sold to tourists or sport fans, Gildan is trying to step up its game with clothing whose appeal hinges on the Gildan brand itself . 创意商: DeVito/Verdi 创意商:多伊奇广告(IPG) 更多详情:《屌丝技术宅也有春天: 小李子前女友Bar Refaeli大献湿吻》

GoDaddy - YourBigIdea.CO

百事- 中场秀粉丝倒数广告- For Beyonce

Taco Bell 塔可钟 - Viva Young 年轻万岁 创意商:多伊奇广告(IPG) 塔可钟用一帮老年人来表现他们不服老的精神:午夜出逃记。(和咱们国内的甲壳虫的“乐。不宜迟”的创意那是撞车撞得那叫一个稀巴烂了。呵呵,只能说,创意大同咯)

Wish Granted

Voloswagen 大众汽车 创意商:多伊奇广告(IPG)


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