

2008-11-25 22:47:05
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全球第三大代理商*奥美国际集团今天宣布,任命谭启明(Tham Khai Meng)为全球创意总监(Worldwide Creative Director)兼全球创意委员会(Worldwide Creative Council)主席。


谭启明自1999年起开始担任奥美集团亚太区联席董事长兼执行创意总监。在他的努力下,奥美亚太开始成为亚洲最重要的创意发源地。奥美亚太连续七年被《Campaign Brief Asia》评为“年度最佳创意网络”,被公认为亚洲地区最具创意的代理商,也是全球最成功的创意网络之一。


奥美全球董事长兼首席执行官夏兰泽(Shelly Lazarus)表示:“谭启明的作品代表了他的实力,他的成就有目共睹。他信奉具有实效的伟大作品并孜孜以求。最重要的一点,他是奥美所推崇的‘有头脑的绅士’的典型代表。由谭启明来带领奥美集团迎接未来的创意挑战,这让我们兴奋不已。”


“更妙的是,我将继续与杨明皓(Miles Young)一起工作——他将于2009年1月接任奥美全球首席执行官。在过去的很长时间里,我们在奥美亚太合作无间,而此次有机会将这种合作延续到更为广大的全球舞台,相信我们必将取得更为辉煌的成就。我们期待,未来的合作道路仍将乐趣无穷!”

New York, NY – Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, the world’s third* largest advertising agency has announced the appointment of Tham Khai Meng(谭启明) as its Worldwide Creative Director and Chairman of its World Wide Creative Council. 

Khai has been Co-Chairman and Regional Executive Creative Director for Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific since 1999. 

During that period, he has built Ogilvy into a creative powerhouse, first in Asia, and later globally. The agency has consistently been recognized as the most creative network in the Asian region (“Creative Network of the Year” for seven consecutive years by Campaign Brief Asia), and as one of the most successful creative businesses anywhere in the world. 

A Singaporean, Khai will divide his time from the beginning of next year between New York and the rest of the world. He will continue to have a supervisory role over the Asia. A full biography of Tham Khai Meng is attached. 

Shelly Lazarus, Chairman and CEO of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, said, “Khai’s record speaks for itself. He gets results. He believes in great work that works. And above all, he is an Ogilvy ‘gentleman with brains’ to his bones. We are thrilled that Khai will take up this challenge for us.” 

Khai commented, “I’m honoured to take on this worldwide role. I believe opportunities abound in these frightening yet very exciting times. As a global agency, we are in a strong creative position, but we all believe we can do better. I’m greatly looking forward to working with our brightest minds across our international network.” 

“The marvellous thing is that I shall continue to work with Miles Young who will be taking on the new global CEO role in January. We’ve been a team in Asia for a long time, and we both reckon that renewing our partnership will make for some spectacular success on the bigger stage. We expect to have a lot of fun along the way!” 


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