

2006-11-10 17:17:30
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伦敦- Omnicom旗下的媒介代理公司PHD的联合创始人兼全球首席执行官David Pattison在度过17载之后宣布在明年告别PHD。 50岁的Pattison先生于1990年和Nick Horswell及Jonathan Durden,开始创办以三位的姓氏首个字母组成的PHD媒介公司,目前他已经把自己离职的意愿通知给Omnicom集团管理层。Pattison表示:“我已经在PHD有17年了,包括最近6年为Omnicom服务。并且带领PHD达到目前这个良好的状态。所以对于我个人来说是时候可以离开了,继续人生的其他历程。” 今年,PHD开始从欧洲向全球拓展,并且在亚洲开始帮助Omnicom集团获得更多的市场份额,包括在中国\东南亚\新西兰.。 目前他可能也和集团谈论是否能够在集团内谋到一个职位,但是不排除在其他公司的机会。在Pattison先生离开后,Jonathan Durden将是PHD仅存的创始人,但后者从去年开始也变成一个“兼职”工作。另外一位创始人Nick Horswell 已经先期在2002年离去。 Pattison和Durden在启动PHD之前是WCRS的联席媒介总监。
BIO OF MR.Pattison: David started his career in 1974 in the media department of the advertising agency Masius, Wynne-Williams and D’arcy McManus (Now DMB+B). His main focus was the television buying discipline until 1983 (via DDB, Grey and TBWA). In 1983 he joined John Ayling + Associates, an independent media company, working across all disciplines and in 1985 with his partner, Jonathan Durden, moved to the role of Joint Media Director at advertising agency WCRS. In 1990, with Jonathan Durden and Nick Horswell they set up Pattison Horswell Durden (PHD), a media independent company with no billing or income. In six years the business grew to £100 million in turnover placing it comfortably within the top 20. In 1996 PHD was bought by Abbott Mead Vickers Plc, the largest UK based marketing services group. The merged media organisations formed a top 5 media specialist. At the end of 1997 David was appointed Chief Executive of the PHD group of companies. PHD was voted media agency of year in both 1998 and1999 by the media industry. In the year 2001 David was invited by Omnicom to become Chief Executive of PHD Network, charged with building a global network of companies based on the PHD model. He has spent the last 2 years living in New York building business with a turnover in excess of $4 billion in the USA. Recently returned to London his focus is now on Europe. In April 2005 David became President of the IPA. The first person from the media sector to take on the role. David enjoys watching and taking part in most sports and regularly plays Rugby and Squash. His great passions are cars, motor bikes and, with advancing years, fishing. Related In Adweek:PHD's Global CEO Resigns


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