
重磅 | 万博宣伟宣布全球裁员

2020-05-19 15:26:34
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Weber Shandwick-20200519

埃培智集团(IPG)旗下公关公司万博宣伟(Weber Shandwick)宣布开始采取裁员、放无薪假并采取了其他相关的成本控制措施。


万博宣伟在全球有4000到5000名员工,目前还不清楚裁员会波及多少人。该公司一位匿名员工向《Business Insider》透露,多地办公室中负责快消品和旅游客户的消费业务团队所受打击巨大。而上周,在负责企业形象公关的团队中至少已有一名高管被裁。

万博宣伟全球CEO  Gail Heimann给员工们发了一封内部邮件。即日起,员工们就会陆续收到无薪休假以及裁员的通知。而公司的人力资源部门也会同员工们进行视频沟通,告知员工他们的工作会受到怎样的影响,同时向员工们发送一封正式的情况说明文件和福利列表。

Gail Heimann在一份声明文件中写道:“这是一场前所未有的危机,不幸的是,在这场全球性流行疾病给经济造成的损失面前,我们的行业和万博宣伟都未能幸免。虽然所有的决策都异常艰难,但我们依然不得不做出与万博宣伟部分员工分手的决定。”


埃培智集团掌门Michael Roth曾在4月22日举行的财报电话会议上表示,公关业务表现依然强劲。

尽管如此,公关公司的日子并不好过,包括爱德曼(Edelman)、凯旋公关(Ketchum)及福莱国际传播咨询(Fleishman Hillard)在内的业内顶尖公关公司都纷纷进行了裁员和降薪。


以下为万博宣伟全球CEO Gail Heimann发给员工的一封内部邮件,大致翻译如下:

Important Agency Update. 重要通知。

 Hi. I don't want to mince words or bury the lead. Today is a sad day for Weber Shandwick. We have to part ways with a number of colleagues from around the network, people who have made good things happen for our firm and clients. People who are friends. 嗨,我不想拐弯抹角亦或是掩盖事实,直接说吧,今天对万博宣伟来说是个悲伤的日子。我们要跟昔日的一些同事分别了,他们曾为公司和客户努力过,他们都是我们身边的朋友。

 It is something I hoped I would not have to do; it is a wrenchingly hard decision to make. And I know it is indescribably hard for those to whom we are saying good-bye. In addition we are furloughing some members of our team and asking others to move to a reduced schedule until the business environment improves. I want to tell you how we got to this place and give you a sense of where we are going from here. 我一直希望自己不需要去做这种事,这是一个令人心酸的决定,向他人告别这种感受难以形容。我们将裁掉团队中的一些人员,此外,还有一些员工也会在大环境好转之前减少工作时间。在此我想告诉大家我们是如何走到今日这样一种境地的,也想让大家了解清楚我们未来的发展方向。 

I've shared in other emails and at Live Show meetings that, like many of our clients and every organization in our industry, we have felt the impact of the pandemic. Today, a little over four months since we first heard about COVID-19 and eight weeks since the majority of our population began working from home, we continue to experience client pull-back across various sectors. That pull-back is mirrored on the new business front as many companies are putting plans for new assignments and agency searches on hold. Together, these forces are conspiring to inflict additional downward pressure on our business. 


We took early actions to help protect our business and our people. Our senior pay cuts and other cost reductions – limited hiring, salary freeze, expense reductions – allowed us to delay and diminish the actions we are taking this week, but, unfortunately, not eliminate them. It is my job – and that of our leaders around the network – to protect our business – to do everything we can to ensure stability this year and put our firm in a position to thrive and grow in years to come. The core of our business remains strong as does our commitment to work tirelessly to protect as many jobs as possible as we navigate towards and through the many phases of recovery. I hope that minimal further steps are required. 


The colleagues leaving Weber Shandwick have been a part of a culture of caring. We are working to support them, extending health insurance benefits and offering professional career assistance as appropriate. My thanks to them for their many contributions to what we are. They are incalculable. My thanks to all of you for everything you're doing – defying the distance between us to make extraordinary and important work, defying tough personal circumstances and the worst global crisis I can remember or imagine to "be there" — from wherever you are — for each other. 


 You made it very clear in our recent employee survey that you wanted frequent and transparent communications. So I will continue to update you on our business realities – the good, the bad and sometimes, like today, the very painful. I am beyond grateful for your continued support and partnership as we navigate these very difficult and challenging times together. 


Please stay well. 愿大家平安。 



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